Funded Completed

Pathways Linking Neighborhood Environments to Activity Behaviors: Analysis of Neighborhood Crime Events.
Non-Govt. Funding: American Cancer Society (Subcontract of MDACC)
Grant Type: Research Support (Non-Profit Organization)
Ended: December 2018
Role (Effort): Co-I (25%); PI: Strong L (MDACC)
Period: 09/01/2014 to 06/30/2018

[modal_window title="PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY" invoke_title="PROJECT BRIEF" id="pathways-pa-crime" show_on_load=""]The overarching goal is to develop and evaluate a conceptual model that comprehensively delineates the relationships and pathways between environmental characteristics and longitudinal PA and sedentary behaviors in Mexican American (MA) and African American (AA) adults. The specific aims of the proposed research are to: 1. Examine the longitudinal associations of individual and empirically-derived clusters of residential neighborhood characteristics with activity behaviors in three separate samples of MA and AA adults. 2. Identify psychosocial mediators and psychosocial and demographic moderators of the relationships between residential neighborhood characteristics and activity behaviors over time.[/modal_window]

Effects of Light Rail Transit on Physical Activity - A Natural Experiment: The Travel Related Activity In Neighborhoods (TRAIN) Study.
Govt. Funding: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney (NIDDK)
Grant Type: Time-Sensitive Obesity Policy and Program Evaluation (R01)
Ended: June 2018
Role (Effort): Co-I (10%); PI: Kohl H (UTHealth)
Period: 09/01/2013 to 06/30/2018

[modal_window title="LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT & PHYSICAL ACTIVITY" invoke_title="PROJECT BRIEF" id="train-study-modal" show_on_load=""]The TRAIN Study is a longitudinal cohort design. The purpose of the TRAIN Study is to determine if the development of light-rail lines in Houston, TX, will prospectively affect physical activity behavior over 4 years. We also aim to understand how contextual effects, such as the neighborhood built environment and socioeconomic factors, affect the primary relations under study. Participants are recruited at baseline from a 3-mile buffer around each of the three new lines and measured annually four times. Data are collected via mail and include questionnaire-assessed factors. Additionally, field-based neighborhood audits are conducted to capture micro-scale environmental features. To assess macro-scale environmental characteristics, we utilize GIS mapping and spatial analyses.[/modal_window]

The Houston Home-Based Integrated Intervention Targeting Better Asthma Control (HIITBAC) For African Americans.
Non-Govt. Funding: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Grant Type: Research Support (Non-Profit Organization)
Ended: January 2018
Role (Effort): Co-I (25%); PI: Hamilton W (BCM)
Period: 02/01/2014 to 01/31/2018

[modal_window title="ASTHMA HOME VISIT TRIAL" invoke_title="PROJECT BRIEF" id="hiitbac-trial-modal" show_on_load=""]A pragmatic randomized controlled trial funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute that assesses the effectiveness of a multi-component intervention designed to improve asthma control and quality of life in African-American adults in Houston. The specific aims include: (1) address the needs of the target population by actively engaging a patient and stakeholder advisory panel; (2) improve provider adherence to asthma standard-of-care guidelines by adding a tested environmental health history and referral module to the Harris Health and Baylor College of Medicine EpicCare electronic medical records (EMR) system and training area clinicians who treat asthma patients in its use; (3) institute a holistic, patient centered, home-based intervention for improving asthma control; (4) analyze key outcome measures; and (5) disseminate findings.[/modal_window]

Systems Approach to Obesity Prevention in Underserved Children (Texas Child Obesity Research Demonstration – Texas CORD).
Govt. Funding: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Grant Type: Research Support (Non-Profit Organization)
Ended: September 2016
Role (Effort): Co-I (25%); PI: Hamilton W (BCM)
Period: 09/01/2011 to 09/31/2016

[modal_window title="OBESITY PREVENTION IN UNDERSERVED CHILDREN" invoke_title="PROJECT BRIEF" id="tx-cord-project" show_on_load=""]The goal of this project is to develop, implement and evaluate an integrated, systems-oriented obesity model for underserved, ethnically diverse children aged 2-12 years. The first step will include conducting an assets-based community assessment in low-income neighborhood catchment areas in Austin and Houston, TX with input and data-sharing from existing partnerships. Results from this assessment will inform and facilitate the implementation of both primary and secondary prevention efforts across multiple sectors (healthcare, school, and childcare). The demonstration project will include secondary prevention programs embedded within community primary prevention efforts.[/modal_window]


Not Funded
