Imagination more important than knowledge



Salahuddin M, Nehme EK, Ranjit N, Kim YJ, Oluyomi AO, Dowdy D, Lee C, Ory MG, Hoelscher DM. Does Parents’ Social Cohesion Influence Their Perception of Neighborhood Safety and Their Children’s Active Commuting to and From School?" Journal of Physical Activity and Health 13(12): 1301-1309. COPY HERE

Durand CP, Oluyomi AO, Pettee Gabriel K, Salvo D, Sener IN, Hoelscher DM, Knell G, Tang X, Porter AK, Robertson MC, Kohl HW. The Effect of Light Rail Transit on Physical Activity: Design and Methods of the Travel-Related Activity in Neighborhoods Study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2016 June; 4(103). COPY HERE

Durand CP, Tang X, Pettee Gabriel K, Sener I, Oluyomi AO, Knell G, Porter A, Hoelscher DM, Kohl III HW. The association of trip distance with walking to reach public transit: data from the California Household Travel Survey. Journal of Transport & Health. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2015.08.007. COPY HERE

Atteberry H., Dowdy D., Oluyomi AO, Nichols D., Ory M.G., & Hoelscher, DM. A contextual look at Safe Routes to School implementation in Texas. Environment and Behavior 2016, Vol. 48(1) 192–209. DOI: 10.1177/0013916515612254. COPY HERE

Nehme EK, Oluyomi AO, Calise TV, & Kohl III HW. Environmental correlates of recreational walking in the neighborhood. American Journal of Health Promotion 2016 30(3), 139-148. COPY HERE

Oluyomi AO, Byars A, Byrd-Williams C, Sharma S, Durand C, Hoelscher D, Butte N, & Kelder S. A. The utility of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in systems-oriented obesity intervention projects: the selection of comparable study sites for a quasi-experimental intervention design--TX CORD. Child Obes. 2015 Feb;11(1):58-70. doi: 10.1089/chi.2014.0054. Epub 2015 Jan 14. COPY HERE

Hoelscher DM, Butte NF, Vandewater EA, Sharma SV, Huang T, Finkelstein E, Pont S, Sacher P, Byrd-Williams C, Oluyomi AO, Durand C, Linlin L, Kelder SH. Incorporating primary and secondary prevention approaches to address childhood obesity prevention and treatment in a low-income, ethnically diverse population: study design and demographic data from the Texas Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (TX CORD) study. Child Obes. 2015 Feb;11(1):71-91. doi: 10.1089/chi.2014.0084. Epub 2015 Jan 2. COPY HERE

Bigman G, Rajesh V, Koehly LM, Strong LL, Oluyomi AO, Strom SS, Wilkinson AV. Family Cohesion and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Among Mexican Origin Adolescents: A Longitudinal Perspective. J Phys Act Health. 2015 Jul;12(7):1023-30. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2014-0014. Epub 2015 Apr 28. COPY HERE

Oluyomi AO, Lee C, Nehme EK, Dowdy D, Ory M, Hoelscher D. Parental safety concerns and active school commute: correlates across multiple domains in the home-to-school journey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 11:32. doi:10.1186/1479-5868-11-32. COPY HERE

Janak, JC, Gabriel, KP, Oluyomi AO, Perez AP., Kohl III HW, & Kelder SH. The association between physical fitness and academic achievement in Texas state house districts: an ecologic study. Journal of School Health 84.8 (2014): 533-542. COPY HERE

Durand CP, Oluyomi AO, Sener I, Knell G, Pettee Gabriel K, & Kohl III HW. Transport-related physical activity: definitions, status and research directions. Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. 17, No. N1, 2014, pp. 55-60. COPY HERE

Oluyomi AO, Whitehead LW, Burau K, Symanski E, Kohl HW, & Bondy M. Physical activity guideline among Mexican-Americans: Does the built environment play a role? Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 16(2), 244-255. COPY HERE

Correa-Fernández V*, Davila M*, Kamrudin SA*, Li DH*, Noor SW*, Oluyomi AO*, Chang S, Cameron C. Educating cancer prevention researchers in emerging bio-behavioral models: lessons learned. Journal of Cancer Education 26:633–640 [* joint first authorship]. COPY HERE