2019 (Pg. 1/2)
“From Precision Medicine to Planetary Health: The Built Environment Deserves More Attention.” Invitation to a research seminar series. Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. June 6, 2019.
“Hurricane Harvey Rapid Health and Environmental Assessment Study: Preliminary Results.” Invitation to present at the Baylor College of Medicine Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, TX. January 24 2019.
“Application of GIS in the Medical Field.” Invitation to a graduate-level course in environmental health: Fundamentals and Applications of GIS, offered by Zhang K, PhD at the UT School of Public Health. UTHealth. Houston, TX. November 2018.
“The Significance of Place in Health: Cancer Research and Patient Care.” Invitation to a research seminar series: Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Monthly Member Meeting. Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, TX. March 2017.
“Geocoding and Buffer Analysis in GIS.” Invitation to a graduate-level course in environmental health: Fundamentals and Applications of GIS, offered by Henderson A, PhD and Zhang K, PhD at the UT School of Public Health. UTHealth. Houston, TX. September 2013.
“Geographical Information System (GIS) and Spatial Regression Analysis.” Invitation to a graduate-level course in epidemiology: Advanced Methods In Epidemiology, offered by Harrell M, PhD at the UTHealth UTSPH. Houston, TX. September 2013.
“Transportation goal, objectives, and strategies - As part of the Community Health Improvement Plan Initiative for Austin/Travis County HHSD.” Invitation to a community engagement event: Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Dept. Austin, TX. August 2013.
“Careers in global health online seminar.” Online seminar: Invitation to Drexel University School of Public Health 2013 National Public Health Week. Philadelphia, PA. April 2013.
2012 (Pg. 2/2)
“Built Environment & Physical Activity: Measuring the Built Environment.” Invitation to a graduate-level course in epidemiology: Physical Activity Assessment in Individuals and Populations, offered by Kohl HW III, PhD at the UTHealth UTSPH. Houston, TX. August, 2012.
“Enhancing Michael & Susan Dell Center research portfolio through spatial epidemiology.” Invitation to a research seminar: UTHealth UTSPH Austin Regional Campus, Austin, TX. May 2012.
“The Built Environment and Health: GIS Application in Health Studies.” Invitation to a graduate-level course in epidemiology: Geographic Information System (GIS) in Epidemiology, offered by Hwang L, PhD at the UTHealth UTSPH. Houston, TX. May 2010.
“Aerial dissemination of C. Difficile spores in hospital & association with Clostridium Difficile-Associated Disease.” Invitation to: Research seminar series: UTHealth UTSPH, Environmental Health Sciences. Houston, TX. May 2010.